Homeless Angels Resource List

- Clothing/Household Items/Personal Needs/Furniture
- Education
- Emergencies
- Employment
- Food
- General Assistance
- Home Repair
- Housing Assistance
- Legal
- Medical Care
- Mental Health/Counseling /Substance Abuse
- Prescriptions
- Pregnancy/Infant/Child Services
- Shelters
- Transportation
- Utilities Assistance
- Homeless Angels (844) 464-6635 www.homelessangels.org Monday-Thursday from 10am -1pm for personal items, pet food, diapers and clothing.
- Cristo Rey (517) 372-4700 http://www.cristoreycommunity.org/
- St Vincent de Paul (517) 484-5395 http://www.svdpusa.net/stores/lansing/
- Seventh Day Adventist Church (517) 321-8238 Referral needed http://www.lansingadventist.org/article/36/ministries/commu nity-service-center
- Hope Closet for Women (size 18 and up) (517) 337-0893 http://www.christianserviceslansing.com/index.php/churches/ 2-uncategorised/15-church-ministry-banks
- Salvation Army (517) 484-4424 http://salansingcapitalarea.org
- LCC Women’s Resource Center (517) 483-1199 http://www.lcc.edu/wrc/
- Lansing School District, Adult Education (517) 755-4040 http://www.lansingschools.net/academic-choices/adulteducation/
- Ingham Intermediate School District (517) 676-1051 http://www.inghamisd.org/
- Lansing Commun. College (800) 644-4522 http://www.lcc.edu/
- Career Quest Learning Centers (877) 715-1638 http://explore.careerquest.edu/
- Davenport University (866) 383-3548 http://www.davenport.edu/office-admissions/apply-now
- Ross Medical (517) 887-0180 https://www.rosseducation.edu/
- Police, Fire, Ambulance 911
- Sparrow Hospital (517) 364-1000 http://www.sparrow.org/contact But just call 911 for an emergency.
- Ingham Regional Medical Center Emergency Room (517) 334-2201 http://www.mclaren.org/lansing/lansing.aspx
- CMH Emergency Services (800) 372-8460 http://www.ceicmh.org/services/cs Includes the Bridges Crisis Unit for psychiatric crisis
- Listening Ear Crisis Center (517) 337-1717 http://theear.org/newear/
- DHS/CPS, Ingham County Info (517) 887-9450 http://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs
- CPS Reporting (855) 444-3911 http://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/0,5885,7-339- 73971_7119_50648—,00.html
- Eve’s House (517) 372-5572 http://www.eveinc.org/services.html For domestic abuse victims and their children
- Capital Area Michigan Works (800) 285-9675 http://www.camw.org/
- Pure Michigan Talent Connect http://www.mitalent.org/
- Snagajob http://www.snagajob.com/
- Neighborhood Youth Corps (517) 367-2468 http://allenneighborhoodcenter.org/gardenhouse/youthservicecorps/
- Peckham Vocational Industries (877) 394-6501 http://www.peckham.org/About-Us/Contact-Us.aspx Training and jobs for people with disabilities
- Michigan Dept. of Health & Human Services (517) 887-9400 http://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/0,5885,7-339-71547_5527—,00.html Apply here for Michigan’s Food Assistance Program
- Food Movers (Greater Lansing Food Bank) (517) 853-7800 http://greaterlansingfoodbank.org/programs/programshome/food-movers/
- CACS Commodity Food Program (517) 393-7077 http://cacs-inc.org/services/commodity-food-programs
- Homeless Angels (844) IMHOMELESS www.homelessangels.org Monday-Friday from 11:00-1:00 at the Burkewood Hotel
- Foodpantries.org http://www.foodpantries.org/ci/mi-lansing Help locating food pantries and food stamps assistance
- WIC (Women, Infants, Children) (517) 887-4326 http://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/0,5885,7-339-71547_4910—,00.html
- City of Lansing Mobile Food Pantry (517) 483-4347 https://www.lansingmi.gov/530/Mobile-Food- Pantry
- Central Michigan 2-1-1 211 or (866) 561-2500 http://centralmichigan211.org/ A reference center for general information and human services
- DHS (Michigan Dept. of Health & Human Services) (855) 275-6424 http://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs A great place for people in need to seek assistance
- Salvation Army (517) 482-9715 http://salansing.org/ Emergency services, rent assistance, community kitchen, haircuts, community garden, produce distribution
- Homeless Angels (844) IMHOMELESS www.homelessangels.org Food, diapers, housewares, furniture, personal needs, pet food, housing help
- Cristo Rey Community Center (517) 372-4700 http://www.cristoreycommunity.org/ Food, medical care, mental health services, clothing, Financial empowerment
- St. Vincent Catholic Charities (517) 323-4734 http://stvcc.org/services/ Adoptions, foster care, counseling, children’s home, refugee help
- VOA/New Hope Center (517) 484-4414 http://www.voami.org/contact Start here, get a Homeless ID, and ask about their many emergency housing services.
- DHS Operator (517) 887-9400 http://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/0,5885,7-339- 71547_5531_62133—,00.html
- Greater Lansing Housing Coalition (517) 372-5980 http://www.momseveryday.com/midmichigan/home
- St. Vincent (For children ages 5-17) (517) 484-4228 http://stvcc.org/services/childrens-home/
- Housing Law Clinic of MSU College of Law (517)-336-8088 http://www.law.msu.edu/clinics/rhc/about.html
- Lansing Housing Commission (517) 487-6550 http://lanshc.org/
- Salvation Army (517) 484-4424 http://salansing.org/lansingcapitalarea/rent-assistance
- Housing Services of Mid Michigan (517) 541-1180 http://www.hs-mm.org/ Eaton County help with housing and job hunting
- Justia portal of legal aid sources in Ingham County https://www.justia.com/lawyers/family-law/michigan/inghamcounty/legal-aid-and-pro-bono-services
- Legal Services of South Central Michigan (LSSCM) (517) 394-3121 http://www.immigrationadvocates.org/nonprofit/legaldirectory/organizati on.393014-Legal_Services_of_South_Central_Michigan_Lansing_Office
- Legal Hotline for Michigan Seniors (800) 347-5297 http://www.elderlawofmi.org/#!legal-hotline/c5xo Free legal advice for Michigan seniors and people with disabilities
- St. Vincent’s Immigration Law Clinic (517) 323-4734 (Extension 1800) http://stvcc.org/services/immigration-law-clinic/
- Ingham County Health Department (517) 887-4311 http://hd.ingham.org/
- Michigan Medicaid https://www.healthinsurance.org/michigan-medicaid/
- Sparrow Family Health Center (517) 364-5710 http://www.sparrow.org/
- Cristo Rey Health Center (517) 371-1700 http://www.cristoreycommunity.org/programs/health-clinic/
- JIMHO (517) 371-4661 http://www.jimho.org/ Drop-in center and supports people with mental illnesses
- Glasses: Lions Club http://e-clubhouse.org/sites/lansinghost/index.php
- Vision USA (800) 766-4466 http://www.aoafoundation.org/vision-usa/
- Capital Area Community Services (517) 482-1504 http://cacsheadstart.org/Health Health care for children
- Care Free Medical Care (517) 887-5922 https://www.carefreemedical.com/
- National Council on Alcoholism, Lansing Area (517) 887-0226 http://www.ncalra.com/index.html
- Alcoholics Anonymous (517) 377-1444 http://aalansingmi.com/index.html
- Narcotics Anonymous (800) 230-4085 http://www.michigan-na.org/capital/capital_meetings.htm Statewide Helpline is (800) 230-4085.
- Glass House Treatment Center (517) 482-2028 http://treatment-facilities.healthgrove.com/l/5863/Glass-House A half-way house and substance abuse treatment
- Bridges Crisis Unit (517) 346-8318 http://www.ceicmh.org/services/amhs/bridges-crisis-unit A 24-hour intensive crisis residential program designed to provide concentrated, comprehensive supports to individuals who are recovering from an acute psychiatric crisis.
- Ingham Health Plan (517) 887-4451 http://www.ihpmi.org/
- Medicaid (517) 887-9400 http://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/0,5885,7-339-71547_4860—,00.html
- Meijer Pharmacy (Free or cheap prescriptions) https://www.meijer.com/content/content.jsp?pageName=free_prescriptions
- WIC (Women, Infants, Children) (517) 887-4326 http://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/0,5885,7-339-71547_4910—,00.html
- Child Health, Ingham County Health Dept. (517) 887-4311 http://hd.ingham.org/
- Ingham County’s Well Child Center (517) 267-3400 http://www.hd.ingham.org/ForParents/PediatricandAdolescentCare/CedarCommunityHealthCenterPediatrics.aspx
- Native Amer. Outreach (517) 887-4322 http://hd.ingham.org/ForParents/HomeVisiting/NativeAmericanOutreachProgram.aspx
- Head Start & Early Childhood Programs (517) 482-1504 http://www.cacsheadstart.org/
- Shared Pregnancy (517) 484-1882 http://sharedpregnancy.org/
- VOA/New Hope Center (517) 484-4414 http://www.voami.org/contact Start here, get a Homeless ID, and ask about their many emergency housing services.
- City Rescue Mission (517) 485-0145 http://lcrm.org/ Can shelter men, women and children.
- Eve’s House (517) 372-5572 http://www.eveinc.org/services.html For domestic abuse victims and their children
- Hannah House (517) 482-5856 http://hannahshouselansing.org/ For pregnant women
- Gateway/Crossroads Teen Shelter (517) 882-7217 http://www.childandfamily.org/page.php?id=151 For youth ages 12-20
- Loaves and Fishes (517) 482-2099 http://loavesandfisheslansing.org/
- Advent House (517) 485-4722 http://adventhouse.com/get-help-section
- SIREN House (517) 543-0748 http://www.sireneatonshelter.org/ Serves the homeless and victims of domestic violence.
- Homeless Angels (844) IMHOMELESS www.homelessangels.org
- CATA (517) 394-1000 http://www.cata.org/
- CATA Rural Services (800) 322-1390 http://www.cata.org/
- Spec-Tran Services (517) 394-2282 http://www.cata.org/CATAServices/SpecTranService/SpecTran FAQ/tabid/142/Default.aspx
- DHS-Emergency Needs (517) 887-9400 http://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/0,5885,7-339-71547_5531_62127—,00.html
- Salvation Army (517) 484-4424 http://salansing.org/lansingcapitalarea/utilities
- Capital Area Community Services (517) 393-7077 http://cacs-inc.org/services/weatherization Help in making your home more energy-efficient
- St. Vincent de Paul (517) 484-5395